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4.1) Arithmetic Operations


x = y * (z - 1) / 2;
num = (num + 1) % maximum;
total += 5;

Points to Note

  • Arithmetic in C++ is similar to that in most other languages: + and - do addition and subtraction, * and / do multiplication and division, % does division yielding the remainder
  • * and / take precedence over + and -, as you would expect; brackets can be used to control the order of evaluation
  • Division of two integers in C++ yields an integer result!
  • ++ (two plus signs) can be used to increment a variable's value by 1; -- (two minus signs) can be used to decrement its value by 1
  • += combines addition with assignment, so that total += 5 is short for total = total + 5
  • -=, *= and /= operators are also available