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6.3) Adding And Removing Vector Elements

Some of the methods that can be called on a vector are shown below.

push_back  Adds an element with the given value to the end of the vector
pop_back Removes the element currently at the end of the vector
insert Inserts an element with the given value into the vector at the given position (note: uses iterators - covered later)
erase Removes element(s) at the given position(s) in the vector (note: uses iterators - covered later)
clear Removes all elements from the vector

Here are some examples of using these methods:

vector<string> words;         // vector initially empty
word.push_back("Kiwi");       // vector has 3 elements
words.pop_back();             // 2 elements ("Kiwi" removed)
words.clear();                // vector empty again