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3.10) Applications On ARC2

To make use of specific applications, you will need to load the appropriate module, and set up any license details if they are required. The details vary between applications, so please look at the appropriate application’s documentation page,

For example, to start using Matlab,, you need to set up the licence details via the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. Using the default Bash shell, use:

$ export LM_LICENSE_FILE=${LM_LICENSE_FILE}:port@machine

Where the specific value of the port number and machine name, in port@machine, need to be obtained from your local IT support. Please note that the details of the license are appended to the existing value of $LM_LICENSE_FILE, to avoid breaking any other loaded modules that are making use of this variable. Now load the Matlab module:

$ module add matlab/R2012a

The application can now be launched on the login node by issuing the command:

$ matlab

Note: the login nodes should only be used for short tests and not for long running or compute/memory intensive jobs.