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5.8) Requesting Resources

The commands qsub, qsh and qrsh all take several options to define the required resources. The table below lists the most commonly used subset of these options. These options can either be specified on the command line, or included in a script. When included in a script they need to be preceded by #$, see example scripts for more details.

Option Description Further Information
-l h_rt=hh:mm:ss  Request hh:mm:ss of wall clock time Required, job will be rejected if not specified
-l h_vmem=xG
-l h_vmem=xM
Request x GB/MB of memory. For parallel jobs this is per core Default is 1Gb/core
-cwd Launch job from and send output to current working directory Recommended
-V Make currently set environment variables available to launched job Recommended
-m be Send email when job begins (b) and ends (e) to job owner
-help Prints a list of options