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1.8) Simple Mathematical Operators

Let's assume that "x" and "y" are floating point numbers equal to 2.0 and 3.0 respectively. Using the following mathematical operators applied to "x" and "y":

Operator Description Example
+ Addition IDL> print, x + 7
IDL prints 5.00000
- Subtraction IDL> print, x - y
IDL prints -1.00000
* Multiplication IDL> print, x * y
IDL prints 6.00000
/ Division IDL> print, x / y
IDL prints 0.666667
++ Increment, (two plus signs) adds one to the operand IDL> x++
IDL> print, x
IDL prints 3.00000
-- Decrement, (two minus signs) subtracts one from the operand IDL> x--
IDL> print, x
IDL prints 1.00000
^ Exponential, (raise to the power of) IDL> print, x^y
IDL prints 8.00000
mod Modulo, gives the remainder of a division IDL> print, x mod y
IDL prints 2.00000