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12.1) Plotting

  • Matlab offers a wealth of plotting functions to allow you to plot a wide range of data
  • If we consider data being in the form of vectors, matrices and multi-dimensional arrays, then these may be visualized using line or scatter plots, images or 3D visualizations
  • Let's start with basic plotting involving line plots:
  • [matlab]
    figure % Creates a new figure window ready for a plot
    plot(x, y) % Creates a line plot of vector "x" against vector "y"
    plot(x) % Creates a line plot of vector "x" against the vector index (1:length(x))

  • Let's generate some noisy test data and generate some very basic plots
  • [matlab]
    x_elements=length(x); % find the length of x
    % now make a noisy cosine dataset
    y=cos(x)+(rand(1, x_elements)/10);
    figure % open up a figure
    plot(x, y)