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7.4) Forming Strings From Data: sprintf

The Matlab function "sprintf" formats numerical data into strings. It is a very useful tool if you want to incorporate numerical data into strings.

The syntax is as follows:


where format is a string that describes the formatting and "A" is an array (scalar). The format argument controls the output format in terms of field width, precision and numerical notation

  • The fixed width is the total width (in characters) of the string
  • precision is the number of numbers to the right of the decimal place
  • the conversion character specifies the numerical format, e.g., e=exponential, g=compact and f=fixed point notation

Examples of sprintf in use are:

Command Result
sprintf('%e', pi) 3.14159eE+00
sprintf('%g', pi) 3.14159
sprintf('%12.9e', pi) 3.141592654E+00
sprintf('%13.15f', pi) 3.141592653589793