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Dynamic modelling requires some techniques (programming, mathematics, statistics) but 'modelling' is independent of this as we use models every day to make simple but still reasonable informed decisions. The important difference of a scientific model is that, we make all our heuristics and simplifying assumptions explicit, and we use mathematics and computer logics to rigorously explore the consequences of these assumptions. an

For a scientific modelling process, we:

  • need to have a clearly formulated research question
  • need to simplify, to simplify, TO SIMPLIFY, simplify to the threshold of pain, and beyond - and see how it works!
  • need to iteratively go through the modelling cycle: formulating the question, the simplified representation, implementing the model as a program, testing the program, analysing the model output, throwing everything in the trash can, starting with a modified (question/model/program), etc., etc.

Don’t forget to log this informal training on your training record and to provide some feedback on the course.