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5.2) ODD Protocol: Elements

The update of the ODD protocol in 2010 required only slight changes as the protocol has become widely accepted as a way to describe ABMs’ and is even the recommended protocol of several scientific journals.

The protocol is subdivided into the three sections Overview, Design concepts, and Details. The overview contains (1) the purpose, (2) entities, state variable, and scales, and (3) the process overview and scheduling. In the second part the inclusion of design concepts (4) such as emergence, adaptation and learning is discussed. In the last part about model details (5) the initialisation of the model, (6) used input data, and (7) all sub-models are listed.

In the following we discuss the individual sections of the protocol. For further reading and details we refer to the original publications.

Elements of the original ODD protocol, Grimm et al. 2006 Elements of the updated ODD protocol
Overview 1. Purpose 1. Purpose
2. State variables and scales 2. Entities, state variables and scales
3. Process overview and scheduling 3. Process overview and scheduling
Design concepts 4. Design concepts

  • Emergence
  • Adaptation
  • Fitness
  • Prediction
  • Sensing
  • Interaction
  • Stochasticity
  • Collectives
  • Observation
4. Design concepts

  • Emergence
  • Adaptation/Adaptive traits?
  • Objectives
  • Learning
  • Prediction
  • Sensing
  • Interaction
  • Stochasticity
  • Collectives
  • Observation
Details 5. Initialization 5. Initialization
6. Input 6. Input data
7. Sub-models 7. Sub-models