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8.11) Conclusion

In this part we illustrated several techniques for getting started modelling easily and productively. A next step would be extending your program using some of the following exercises. Take a coupe of minutes to go through some of the exercise and learn more about your model.

  1. Try some different values of the parameter sensing-radius. Predict what will happen when sensing-radius is 0 and 15 and then run the model; was your prediction correct? Change the number of agents to 1000 and try again (observe as well the speed of the model run).
  2. Modify your model so that the turtles with PV at the beginning do not all have a random location but rather one with high insolation.
  3. Experiment with the PV-lifetime and try to find the threshold under which the adoption drastically drops. (Hint: Insert a monitor in the interface which calculates the fraction of turtles with PV).
  4. Try adding “noise” to the landscape, by adding a random number to patch elevation. You can add this statement to the set-artificial-landscape procedure, just after patch elevation is set: set elevation elevation + random 20. How does this affect adoption?

In the next part we will extend this model to address a scientific question.