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Write a function, called tree, which draws a tree given the width of its base
(the number of characters on the bottom-most row of the triangle section),
using ASCII art (printing characters to the screen).
The tree consists of a trunk of 3 hashes (###) and
a triangular shape on the top made of stars (*).
The triangle is centred on the trunk, with a base of N characters.
Each layer reduces by 2 character until it reaches a top layer of 1 character.
So a base of 3 shrinks to 1. A base of 7 shrinks to 5, 3 and 1.
N should be an odd number!
Function inputs:
- N, the base of the tree, an odd integer higher than (or equal to) 3.
- The trunk character, # by default
- The leaf character, * by default
Output: The function prints the following for tree(7):
Solution written by Lauren J Gregoire
def tree(N,trunk_char='#',leaf_char='*'):
    """ draw a tree of width N
        - N, odd integer greater or equal to 3
        - trunk_char (optional)
        - leaf_char (optional)
    if (N < 3) or (N % 2 == 0):
        print 'ERROR: The tree width should be an odd number greater than 3!'
        ## print tree leaves
        # Grow number of leaves from 1 to N (width of tree
        # by adding two leafs each row
        for num_leafs in range(1,N+1,2):
            #calculate number of spaces needed around the tree
            total_padding = N - num_leafs
            padding = total_padding / 2
            # print tree layer
            print ' ' * padding + leaf_char * num_leafs
        ## print trunk
        trunk_width = 3
        trunk_padding = (N - trunk_width) / 2
        print ' ' * trunk_padding + trunk_char * trunk_width
tree(21,leaf_char='+', trunk_char=':')