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2.1) How To Use Python

To run Python code, all you need is a Python interpreter. This is a “shell” in which you can enter your code. It can either execute your commands one by one (interactively) or execute your program all in one go.

You can also use more sophisticated programs that come with a text editor to write your code and some shortcuts to execute your programs. This is what we call an Integrated Development Environment.

For this course, it is highly recommended to use the built-in Python Development Environment called IDLE. This should be available with most python installations, although in some cases you may have to install it separately.

If you don’t have the possibility of using IDLE, you can use some basic tools available to you:

  • the standard python interpreter (python)
  • a text editor for coding (eg. emacs, vi or Notepad++ for windows users) to create your programs