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8.8) Dictionary Methods

Here are some useful dictionary methods.

The list of dictionary keys is obtained with:

>>> a.keys()

The list of values is obtained with:

>>> a.values()

You can also test whether a dictionary has an element with a specific key, such as 'Name':

>>> a.has_key('Name')

For example:

>>> Bilbo={'Name':['Bilbo','Baggins'], 'Race':'Elf', 'Gender':'Male', 'DoB':[22,'September',2890]}
>>> Bilbo.keys()
['DoB', 'Gender', 'Race', 'Name']
>>> Bilbo.values()
[[22, 'September', 2890], 'Male', 'Elf', ['Bilbo', 'Baggins']]
>>> Bilbo.has_key('Name')