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9.13) Challenge 25 - Managing Sample Measurements

Scenario: You have N samples from regular intervals within a sediment core. Samples are numbered from top to bottom of the core. You have to measure your samples in a random order to avoid biases in your results. Unfortunately, the third measurement you do fails and you loose your sample.
To help you manage your results, write a program with the following steps:

  1. create a list of length N=5 filled in with None values that will store your results
  2. generate a random sequence in which you have to measure your samples (use the shuffle() function in the package random). shuffle(x) directly modifies the sequence x to shuffle the order of its elements. Hint: import the shuffle function with "from random import shuffle" before using the function
  3. going through the random sequence, the program will:
    1. tell you which sample number to measure
    2. ask you to enter the measurement for that sample number
    3. if you enter a measurement (e.g. you don’t press enter strait away), store the measurement in the list as a floating number at the position corresponding to its sample number
  4. print the list of samples ordered by their sample number. (Later we’ll learn how to plot your results on a graph.)

Execute your script and enter some values for your samples, except for the third measurement. Once you’re done, the program should print the result.