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1.2) Description

This course helps you get started with data handling, graphs and statistical analysis in R. There are six sections. It’s designed to help you become independent, so we spend some time looking at how to get help when things don’t work. There are also plenty of exercises and pieces of code to try out along the way. Be an active learner: try everything out, and when you don’t understand something, think up a hypothesis or two about what might be happening. Or you can always move on and see if it becomes clear later.

After following this course, you should be able to:

  • import data from a spreadsheet such as Excel
  • manipulate data, such as transforming variables and taking subsets
  • export tables as text files
  • plot basic graphs of your data and copy them into a document
  • calculate summary statistics
  • use general linear models
  • find R functions to do anything else you require, and know how to get help