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4.6) Exploring Data

There are often many ways of achieving the same objective in R!

Use the data frame GRASS that you created from the file "r_data" (Appendix; Section 2).

  • Check the histogram of GRASS$Dms. Did you notice a severe outlier? Assume it’s a typing error and correct it.
  • Find a transformation of GRASS$Dms that makes it approximately linear with respect to GRASS$Blade (hint: use plot(Dms ~ Blade, data=GRASS)).
  • Obtain an edited version of GRASS that contains only the records for plants older than 20 days, storing it with an appropriate name.
  • Obtain the dry masses of these plants in ascending order.
  • Investigate the data frame swiss (after typing data(swiss) if necessary; you can also use just data() with empty brackets to see what else is there.) How many of the Swiss cantons (rows) were more than 80% Catholic but less than 50% agricultural? (These data come from 1888!)