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9.12) Exercise 4: Wolves

Swayed by the logic of your model in demonstrating the flaws of the hunting approach to deer population control, the island residents instead attempt a more natural solution: introducing a population of wolves as predators to the deer. Implement this change in your model with the following assumptions:

  • The initial deer population is 1000 animals
  • The initial wolf population is 60 animals
  • Deer have a birth rate of 0.2 per animal in population
  • Wolves have a natural death rate of 0.15 per animal in population
  • Deer deaths are proportional to deer population × wolf population with a constant of proportionality = 0.002
  • Wolf births are proportional to deer population × wolf population with a constant of proportionality = 0.00015

The model you will develop for this is an implementation of the original Lotka-Volterra model we described earlier. Note that deer no longer have a natural death rate in this model.